Not pictured items include Pine Bark Nuggets and Shredded Pine Bark Mulch. Both sold by the bag.
Top Soil Our screened, high-quality top soil is ready for planting in. We also carry bagged top soil by L.I. Compost and Scott’s.
Compost Organic material rich in nutrients needed for growing healthy plants. Available in bags or by the yard.
Sweetpeet Organic composted material wonderful for growing plants and vegetables. Available in bags or by the yard.
Black Mulch Natural dyes are safe for the environment and your family. More structured, eye-catching appearance than brown mulch. Available in bags and by the yard.
Coco Mulch Natural dyed brown mulch for a subtle yet clean, lasting look. Available by the yard.
Natural Mulch Offers a natural brown look. Less expensive than dyed mulches. Available in bags or by the yard. Organic Estate Brown mulch also available by the bag.
Red Mulch Contains natural dyes that are safe for the environment and your family. Boasts a more structured, eye-catching appearance than brown mulch. Available in bags and by the yard.